Hello, and welcome to the new blog of Zach Oat. I was blogging on my MySpace page, but I don't like the way the MySpace blogs look, so I decided to create one here, after seeing what my wife Melissa did on her blog for our clothing company, Hobocamp Crafts. While you can read all about Hobocamp over there, on this blog you'll find:
1. Information about my work as editor of ToyFare magazine. From convention stories to exciting developments in the toy world, it'll be here.
2. Information about my hobbies, namely designing T-shirts, watching weird movies and collecting bizarre books and toys. I'll probably show you some of my favorite pieces in my collection, and give you updates on my T-shirt business 24/7 Magnum.
3. Information about my family, including my sexy wife Melissa and our two bratty cats, Hermione and Jasper. (Yes, Hermione is named after Hermione Granger. No, I did not name her.)
4. Photos of my muttonchops. I know that's what you're all here to see.
Well, that's enough for the first time out. Don't want to break the Internet in half. Subscribe, and I promise to not disappoint you too much.
- Z
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